
How to install the latest version of Postgresql on Ubuntu

It is quite easy to install the latest version of Postgres on Ubuntu. First, declare Postgres repository, create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list like this :

Import the repository signing key, and update ubuntu package lists

Then install latest postgresql (actually version 11) and its latest GUI pgadmin (actually version 4) :

Postgresql is now running, you can check that by…

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Install ubuntu 16.04 on a mac book pro in dual boot

Tired to use Mac OS for development purposes, I wanted to install Ubuntu 16.04 in dual boot on my Mac book pro retina 15.6″. For that I needed : A mac book pro with an intel processor A bootable USB stick with ubuntu 16.04 The Disk utility from mac OS The rEFInd boot manager A RJ45 adapter, because Wifi does…

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‘lnav’ : The log file navigator

You know the following commands : more, grep, tail -f, vi : here is the command that does all that : lnav You can install lnav just by installing the corresponding package :

You get a listing which is dynamically refresh like tail -f does. You can search like vi by using / command, you can also filter with…

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‘htop’ command tool

To monitor running processes, you already know the ‘top’ command, you will get such an output : Now there is the ‘htop’ command which provides much more features and detailed informations : You’ve got colors, text bars graph, commands with arguments : You can scroll up, down AND right and left, and the best : despite it is a text…

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